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The biggest asset of any organization are its employees. It is therefore, important to ensure that employees feel valued and kept motivated. Employers must also put systems in place to ensure the continuous growth and development of their employees. This is where having a good human resource management system becomes necessary.

A human resource management system must be put in place by all employers and it must be effective. Below are some of the strategies that can help employers put in place and develop effective human resource management systems. Having an effective human resource management system can increase the productivity of an organization.


  1. Believe in Your Employees: Employers should believe in their employees and trust in their employees’ abilities. Employers should show their employees that they trust them to do the tasks given. This includes not micromanaging employees and this creates a healthier environment. This is an essential element of an effective human resource management system.
  2. Encourage Team Work: Create a culture of team work. Ensure to schedule team building activities every month or every quarter. This also includes resolving conflict between employees. Employers must therefore, ensure that the human resource management system has an element that provides for team building.
  3. Be Open: Create an environment that encourages freedom of expression. An effective human resource management system allows employees to express themselves and be open to listen to employees.
  4. Understand the Company’s values, objectives and mission: It is important to understand the Company’s values, objectives and mission and to communicate these to the employees. Any human resource management system put in place must be in line with the Company’s values, objectives and mission.
  5. Ubuntu: It is important for any human resource management system to incorporate a human element. Employers must be considerate of the fact that employees are human and may make mistakes. Therefore, employers must be more understanding.
  6. Feedback: A good human resource management system should make provision for giving feedback to employees whether the feedback is positive or negative. It should give an employee the opportunity to make corrections and to improve. Positive feedback also enables an employee to stay motivated and work harder.
  7. Provide Rewards and Incentives: Employees should be provided with rewards and incentives to enable them to stay focused and motivated. This is an important feature for an effective human resource management system to have in place.
  8. Monitoring and evaluation: An effective human resource management system should be monitored and evaluated in order for improvements to be made if necessary. This will enable an employer to determine what is working and what is not working.
  9. Identify Correct Talent: The correct and complete recruitment process should be followed in order to identify the correct talent for particular position. Employers should review the required position well in order to determine the appropriate requirements for the job. This is an important element to have in mind as a human resource management system is developed.
  10. Identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses: Finally, a good human resource management system should put in place strategies for identifying employees’ strengths in order to harness them and to provide appropriate tasks to the employees. It should also identify employees’ weaknesses in order to avoid giving employees tasks that they may struggle to achieve or to provide training opportunities to enable the employees improve on those areas.

For more information, on how to establish an effective human resource management system please email zambia@bellmacconsulting.com.